
Delivered by clinicians with hands-on experience and covering an array of mental health and wellbeing topics.

Woman smiling while working at a computer with various digital icons representing communication, data, and collaboration, displayed around the screen.

Our Webinars

All our webinars are delivered by Clinicians who have on-the-ground experience of the subject matter. Content is evidence-based and practical. Each webinar is 50m with a 10m Q&A at the end. Webinars are bitesize experiences of our formal training sessions.

To find out more information about our webinars or to book please get in touch.

Group of unlit matches with one burnt matchstick in the centre, symbolizing burnout or exhaustion.


An image showing a pink flower growing through cracks in concrete.

Resilience & Compassion

An image showing a female holding up a small piece of paper with the text "Good Vibes Only" which is on fire slightly.


An image showing a female on a desk with her down on the desk, she is holding up a hand written sign with the word "Help!"


Woman practicing deep breathing exercises with one hand on her chest and the other on her abdomen, sitting on a couch in a calm home setting.


An image showing a hand with thumb and finger pinched together with light shining from it.


Woman sitting on a couch with a laptop on her lap, holding an envelope and fanning herself, appearing warm in a bright living room.

Menopause – a whistlestop tour

Illustration of a woman holding a smaller version of herself in her hands, symbolizing self-reflection or introspection.


An image showing a darkened wooded area with the text "Seasonal affective disorder".

Beating the Winter Blues

An image showing the same woman next to a mirror, the reflection shows the woman with her hand over her mouth.


An illustration showing clouds/rain/flowers representing the brain.

Bi-polar Affective Disorder

The image shows a close-up of a page, where the word "Schizophrenia" is highlighted in pink. Below the highlighted word, partial definitions or related terms such as "psychotic disorder," "distortions of reality," "thought," and "language" are visible, indicating a description or explanation of schizophrenia, a mental health condition. The use of the highlighter emphasizes the importance of the term in the context of the text.


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